How to Get a Chiseled Jawline

The epitome of male beauty is a sharp jawline. For a man, a strong jawline goes with a muscular build: it denotes masculinity and good looks. For women, you want a slimmer​ face with a jawline that looks elegant and makes your smile more attractive. Regardless, having a sculpted jawline is not something that is handed down to you from birth. In fact, there are ways to transform your chin and jawline to have the definition you want. One of the best, non-intrusive ways to sculpt your face is by correcting your poise and working out your jaw and lower face muscles.
However, before we get into the methods, you should know that the most determinative factor when it comes to your jawline and its definition is genetics. The other determinative factor to consider is your overall health. Simply put, if you keep your body fat percentage below 15%, your face will “pop” more. You will then look and feel more youthful, and people will surely notice. However, genetics are not destiny and there are ways to better your profile without surgery. Best of all, jaw exercises work well for both men and women. So, let’s talk about all the ways to give your jaw the definition you’re looking for.

All the Possible Ways to Get a Chiseled Jawline

Like any other muscles in your body, your jawline’s own muscles can be toned with proper exercise. Of course, we use these muscles every day when we eat: however, this is not enough to tone your face unless you have a pure carnivore diet. By doing focused exercises which target the jawline, you can slim down your face and give your jawline definition. Best of all, face exercises for your jawline also slim down your neck since the exercises also workout your neck muscles.
You might not know this, but your jaw muscles are some of the strongest muscles in your body. Collectively, they can apply over 150 pounds of pure force when pushed to the test. Made up of four muscles, they are constantly in use. However, like any other muscle, they can start to sag as one gets older. Some of us, though, have always had saggy jowls and a poor profile for a myriad of reasons. Some of them are dietary, some are caused by improper posture. Regardless, there are luckily quite a few methods to better accentuate your jawline and make it impressionable—with some methods being better than others, of course.

Quick Note: Surgery Should Be the Absolute Last Option

The costliest way to achieve the chiseled jawline you want is through plastic surgery, popularly done by injecting dermal fillers like calcium hydroxylapatite into the bone of your jaw. The procedure makes your jowl more angular, but at a high price. Although the entire procedure is relatively short, taking only about 30 minutes, it will cost you a pretty penny and, on top of that, needs to be done every year.
The surgery option is admittedly a bit extreme and there’s no guarantee it will even work. After all, it’s not natural. You’re just covering up the problem and not working out your jawline muscles at all. I would personally not recommend this option unless you have a severe condition like a recessed chin or grossy malformned jowls. Consult your plastic surgeon or medical specialist for more information if you do end up going this route, but just know that it will most definitely be a painful, long process.
Jaw exercises, however, are the best non-invasive alternative to plastic surgery with more fitting, natural results. It is definitely, 100% worth a try before you consider any surgical options.

The Gum Method

The chewing gum method remains the best method for bettering your jawline. It also happens to be the most intuitive one. Chewing works out eight different muscles in your face and neck. It also goes a long way in reducing a double chin. After all, there’s a reason so many models chew gum before runway shows: it works out and tones your entire face while also being an excellent means of stress-relief. The process of chewing gum strengthens your face muscles, thus making them more accentuated and concave. It’s the ultimate, comprehensive jaw workout.
Chewing gum is, therefore, the single easiest and best way to improve your jawline and give it the chiseled definition you want. This is because not only is it incredibly easy and can be incorporated into your everyday routine seamlessly, but it is also ultimately good for your dental health if chew the right stuff.

Which Gum to Chew

You’re going to want to stay away from any gum with sugar or practically anything you find near the register at the grocery store. The everyday gum that is usually sold at kiosks and marts generally won’t last very long. The most long-lasting gum on the market perfect for daily jaw exercises is made from mastic, a resin from mastic trees commonly called “Arabic gum.”
  • Try: Greek Chios (Xios) Mastic Gum. All-natural and you can chew this practically forever. Also has significant benefits for digestive health.
  • A Cheaper Option: Falim 100 Pieces Sugar-Free Chewing Gum. Comes in all other kinds of flavors too like mint of various fruit-flavors, however, some of these taste very artificial and bad. You can’t go wrong with mint, and even the plain one is pretty good.
  • Another option is Krinos Imported Mastic Gum.
Therefore, for jawline definition your go-to gum should be mastic gum. Alternatively, you can also try Falim chewing gum if you don’t like the taste of mastic. These two are hands down your best options.

Therefore, for jawline definition your go-to gum should be mastic gum. Alternatively, you can also try Falim chewing gum if you don’t like the taste of mastic. These two are hands down your best options.

Correct Your Tongue Posture with ‘Mewing’

For many of us without realizing it, we rest our tongues on the floor of our mouths. Oftentimes, this coincides with mouth-breathing which depresses your jowls and overall posture. When you only breathe through your mouth, your body is more oxygen-deprived which worsens your apperance overall.
In order to fix this, you need to adopt proper tongue posture. This means resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth instead of the bottom. You should notice immediately upon adopting this tongue position, your jaw moves slightly forward. Proper tongue posture has been commonly called “mewing” online, popularized by orthodontist Dr. Mew.
Mewing is essentially resting your entire tongue on your palate instead of the floor of your mouth. It’s that simple. The goal of mewing is to make this tongue posture like muscle memory. By making this the natural position for your tongue, you can give your jawline more definition over time. You will also see other benefits, like improved posture, less mouth breathing, and can ever cure some cases of sleep apnea.
By both adhering to a correct resting tongue posture and working out the jaw muscles, you can best craft and maintain a chiseled jawline. We recommend “mewing” be done in conjunction with chewing mastic gum or other jawline exercises.
Many more before and after mewing photos can be found here.
Bear in mind, there’s still some debate about the effectiveness of mewing and age. Mewing is most effective when the body is still in development before the age of 18. However, there’s been plenty of evidence for tongue posture creating noticeable changes for much older people as well. You can find our long list of evidence for proper tongue posture here.
Mewing does not technically count as an exercise. However, it has to be mentioned in conjunction with jawline exercises since it is foundational. Mewing coupled with jawline exercises will give you the results you’re looking for. Your poise will become different as a result, and your jaw made more prominent.
For an in-depth explanation on mewing, the evidence for its effectiveness, and how it works, our article Everything You Need to Know about Mewing is a must read.
Another helpful guide on mewing is our Questions and Answers guide which covers just about any concerns may you have about mewing.

Use a Mouth Exerciser

Because jawline exercises have gotten more popular within the past year or two, some companies have created tools for a more effective workout. These jawline exercise balls, weights and other devices are created to exercise your facial muscles. They can be used as an alternative to chewing mastic gum.
Although the mastic gum method remains the best method for defining your jawline, mouth exercisers can produce similar results. They may, in fact, get you that chiseled jawline quicker. Yet, chewing gum is overall more of a rounded exercise for your entire face and neck.
The two best jawline exercise tools on the market currently are Jwzrsize and Facial-Flex.
  • Jawzrsize Jaw Exerciser is currently the most popular facial workout weight out today. The jawline exercise ball works over 50 muscles in your face and neck, increasing blood flow and oxygenation. Meant to be used for just 20 minutes a day, it can easily be incorporated into your existing daily routines or workouts. Customers have reported visible benefits. Jawzrsize comes in four levels: level one (20 lb. resistance), level two(30 lb. resistance), level three (40 lb. resistance), and level four (50 lb. resistance).
  • Facial-Flex is the only FDA-approved jawline exerciser characterized as a class-1 medical device. Targeting 30 or so muscles in your face, Facial-Flex is intended to keep your face vibrant and give your jawline more definition. It’s been known to be a more balanced face fitness workout than Jawzrsize. 


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